
Tomato Salsa

Our tomato salsa is made with freshly picked spices and locally grown produce from the NAMDEVCO Market. All our products are made in small batches to ensure that the quality is never compromised. Currently our salsa is sold in eight (8) oz or two hundred and fifty (250) gram formats with two variants; Mild (slight) Pepper and Hot (Heavy) Pepper. Ingredients are listed on packaging.

Baked Goods


Experience a fusion of Central America and the Caribbean with our Chicken, Beef and Vegan Empanadas On-The-Go. Our chicken and beef pies are made with a thin short crust with half the quantity of fat to flour with a crispy texture. Our vegan pies are made with no animal byproducts using vegetable substitutes to maintain consistency. Our empanadas contain a melody of local herbs, spices and seasonings resulting in a burst of flavour with every bite.

Gourmet Snacks

Kettle Corn Popcorn

Whether you are craving a sweet or savory snack, we have you covered! Our kettle corn popcorn is made using mushroom kernels which allows coatings to adhere evenly and consistently. The kernels are popped using coconut oil, allowing for a cleaner pop. We are best known for our sweet and salty variant, however we have several unique flavours available by special request and limited editions throughout the year!