The Five Must Dos of Customer Service

We often hear about the challenges (or horror stories) related to customer service in our beautiful twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. However, is customer service really a challenge or an opportunity? We would like to use a recent example of which our team faced to demonstrate how the five (5) must dos can be applied; (1) Time is always of the essence, (2) Service is always your concern, (3) Service begins with values, (4) Your reputation counts on it and (5) Always end with a smile.

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Farmers’ Market – What You Think You Know

We are very excited about this topic, particularly since we are always asked, “How did you guys first start out?”. The simple answer to that question was at home in the kitchen, but the more complex version entails the Farmers’ Market. For many individuals trying to get started in the Food/Artisan/Craft industries, it is a very daunting task. Sure, when you have some friends or family over for dinner and you make that famous dip everyone likes, their first reaction is that they will certainly buy that item! However, the reality is that your recipe needs to cater for a larger demographic with many different taste pallets.

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